
By sp33dway

Rest stop

Today was day 5, our last section of The Cumbria Way and it’s fair to say I am absolutely done in. My feet are hurting waay too much and my general fitness isn’t anywhere near where it needs to be - and yet still I trudge on albeit a lot slower than I’d hoped.

Best laid plans to meet up with G in Dalston failed, opting instead for an essential ‘do it now or I won’t be able to get to the end’ rest stop that lasted over an hour. Considering I felt like I was on the verge of passing out in this heat, I felt positively chipper when we started off again.

Today’s walking had some glorious scenery, despite us leaving the mountains behind. The last section from Dalston to Carlisle was absolutely PANTS though, with an uninspiring walk along a cycle path that went on for miles and which I won’t be in a hurry to do again.

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