
By spannarama

Crystal Palace station

Had a better sleep on Char's sofa than I did in my hotel bed the previous two nights - but still v tired today. I stripped my 'bed' and worked from her little dining table, while she worked at her stand-up desk. At lunchtime she very generously bought us both lunch via Deliveroo - delicious wraps and rosemary chips from Roti Brothers.

I worked until shortly before 5pm, then Char walked me to the station. Said goodbye to her and set out on my journey to Paddington - and then checked my train time and realised it was half an hour earlier than I'd thought. Oops. Once I was sure I wasn't going to make it (I actually got to Paddington just four minutes after my original train had left), I amended my ticket online to the following train - thankfully for no extra charge, but it did mean that I got back to Barnstaple an hour later than planned. Lovely Tim came to pick me up, and we got home after 11pm - and then stayed up far too late.

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