
By Rosemarie55


21°C  -  5 mph WSW Wind Speed  -  17 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny Spells. Bit of an anxious morning  -  couldn't access my e-mail Inbox!  Spent hours deleting old e-mails from various Folders and eventually got my Inbox to show  -  what a relief!  Not really feeling energetic enough now for blipping, so today's is a bit of a lazy blip☻☻ It's what I shot when I was searching for the Waning Gibbous at 2 am this morning.  There it was surrounded by clouds  -  I had my Canon on hand so I had a go handheld.  Couldn't get a good focus so rushed in to get my Nikon on tripod  -  Sod's Law, when I got back the Moon was completely covered with clouds  -  I waited a while but it was obvious bigger clouds were drifting menacingly over the Moon and were not likely to clear.  So back to bed.
So while it's a rubbishy Moon the clouds are quite spectacular I thought  -  so here they are☻☻

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