curns' corner

By curns


I'm glad I took today off work. I had a nice lie-in after the full-on festival weekend. My feet are beginning to feel normal again, but there's a lot of dust on my clothes.

We'd booked a 12-noon brunch at The Dell near Appley Beach. The sun continued to shine, so it was the perfect way to end the long weekend. My seafood platter with delicious crab terrine and a glass of cold Rosé was the ideal way to conclude a fun weekend. 

PY had virtual training for some volunteering he's doing later in the summer, and he headed back to complete that while I decided to take more of a walk to Seaview and back, taking in the sunshine. My feet stood up to the extra steps. I might have got a bit burned—we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

We were on the 5:45pm boat, which got us back to London about 8:40pm— after a little bit of shopping to get essentials for the week, a lazy evening concluded with an early night. We're looking forward to the release of next year's festival tickets.

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