
By DonMac21

Turbine Tips

A jaunt to Whitelees Windfarm today, with a view to exploring as many tracks as I could: a test for myself and bike. The bike passed with flying colours, I got a bit tired after about 42 miles, total trip was 45 miles, and three pips still showing on the Raleigh (Bosch) battery. I love this bike. I may even go as far as servicing it as regularly as my car. 
I reached all the extremities of the farm. Different sections have different noises, depending on their age. Some make 'drums of war' noises (worrying), some groan at regular intervals, some scream in strange banshee language. When you're 10 miles from any kind of civilisation, this can be disconcerting. 
A grand day out. 
I'm wishing the best of luck to Ms Harris in the US, and hope she is not affected by the misogyny and racism she will doubtless face. 

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