Wendy's World

By Wendles56

The Men

The days are very busy travelling to events, climbing up steep hills to orienteer on open moors and then sitting on coaches to get back to the carpark, cooking, bathing, coming round.  Don't get me wrong, we are very much enjoying Croeso 24 here in Wales.  The organisation is excellent, the hospitality friendly and the orienteering areas high quality.  Last night, we received an invitation to make up a Quiz team and so, after dinner we drove to Brecon and joined Pym, Roger, Carol and Jean to form what turned out to be the winning team with a goody bag prize of lots of local food and drink!  Not bad for a bunch of oldies with a Dutch team member who threw up his hands at Cockney Rhyming Slang, but had an uncanny knowledge of the Thunderbirds!  Great fun.  

All this is an explanation for why I am behind blipping.  The only blip I took yesterday was this one of the three M70s (men aged 70-75) who are often very close in the results, discussing their runs and doing the usual joshing of each other. This was Tony's day to be ahead of Don and Eddie.

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