
By Livresse


Back blip 
I  needed a break ... but I am now ready to resume blipping, and what a better day that this, the first day of my long awaited rowing trip to Lewis. 
Packing everything for rowing and wild camping - with a wet forecast - was not easy but thanks to SparseRunner's mountain marathon gear, I ended with a reasonably small bag (comparatively). Janet and Antonio arrived almost on time, I loaded the car and we were off. 
The drive to Ullapool, our first stop, was smooth and we got there in less that 4 hours. There, we met others from the club who had been there all weekend for the Ullapool Regatta. They were watching the final of the Euro and spirits were high - so was the level of alcohol consumption. I ended being sucked up in the atmosphere, starting to relax and staying up far too late... but hey-ho, that's what I do. 

I'll do my best to catch up.

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