
By mandygf

clock/time.... time....

We never seem to have enough time together as a family... with work... school. ... Other commitments... & even the age old grip of teens not wanting to spend time with us. .

But today we managed it. .. & enjoyed it too. ... we headed off to Monikie country park ... Stuart took the kids out in a canoe.... they both thourally enjoyed it. ...them we fed the ducks and swans & got hissed at & almost chased

Swans are scary.... especially so close....

We ended off the day with an ice cream. ....

Quality family time is the best way to spend a weekend. ...

Heartfreek's July challenge. ....

1. Love is...
.2. Shadow
3. A number
4. On a bench
5. Mugshot!
6. Wheels
7. Purple
8. Wood
9. Eggs
10. Door
11. Street
12. Morning
13. Clock / time

14. Food / in the kitchen 
15. In the distance
16. Reflection 
17. Hands
18. Sign
19. Glass
20. Buttons
21. Home made
22. Feather or fur
23. Older than you
24. Above you
25. Sparkly
26. Ring
27. Eye
9. About You
30. Action shot
31. Someone special

Struggling to do this on my phone... Teegan unplugged the laptop while it was on. all I have is a black screen.... hopefully Stuart can fix it when he gets back from his bike ride. ...

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