
By tridral

Diamser a bythgofiadwy

Diamser a bythgofiadwy ~ Timeless and unforgettable

“Do not take pictures to please the public, the photo should be spontaneous and free”
― Betty Poluk

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Cawson ni ddiwrnod ardderchog heddiw. Roedden ni’n gofalu am yr ŵyr a’r wyres, Sam a Zoê.

Pan gyrhaeddon nhw, aethon nhw allan archwilio'r ardd ac yna rhoi rhai o blanhigion mewn potiau.

Yna aethon ni allan ar ein beiciau gyda Sam ar fy rac bagiau a Zoê y tu ôl i Nor'dzin. Aethon ni i'r Parc Hailey lle roedd dangos o flodau hyfryd. Roedd Sam yn ddiddordeb iawn gyda'r blodau tra chwaraeodd Zoê ar y siglenni.

Ein harosfa nesa oedd y gored. Cerddon ni i lawr y creigiau i'r afon a wnaeth y plant yn mwynhau chwarae gyda 'r cerrig mân a dargyfeirio nentydd. Gwnes i fy argraff gan y plant a'r ffordd roedden nhw fynd dros y cerrig mân, ac i fyny ac i lawr y creigiau. Roeddwn i'n teimlo mwy sefydlog fy hun (ar ôl fy nhriniaeth ceiropractig rydw i'n meddwl.). Roedd rhywbeth diamser am ein hamser ar y gored. Dim ond sŵn y dŵr disgyn a'r plant yn chwarae yn yr heulwen.

Ar ôl y gored aethon ni i'r llyfrgell (neu 'hyb' fel maen nhw ei alw'r dyddiau hyn). Gwnaeth y plant yn dewis llyfrau ac yna arhoson ni i gael pryd yn y caffi (yn y llyfrgell). Mae'r llyfrgelloedd wedi newid dros y blynyddoedd nawr maen nhw'n teimlo bywiog a croesawgar - a bod yn gallu archeb pryd hefyd, ydy rhywbeth fel athrylith. Rydych chi'n gallu aros yn y llyfrgell trwy'r dydd os rydych chi eisiau.

O'r llyfrgell aethon ni adre. Roedd Nor'dzin wedi bod yn paratoi gweithgaredd arall i'r plant. - gwneud bagiau bach... Roedd Nor'dzin wedi paratoi darnau o ddeunydd a phatrymau. Roedd rhaid y plant yn dewis eu deunydd ac yn farciau'r darnau yn erbyn y patrwm a'u torri nhw. Yna roedd y plant yn gosod y darnau (blaen wrth blaen) ac yn eu gwnïo ar beiriant Nor'dzin. Yna roedden nhw eu tynnu nhw tu mewn allan i ddod â'r ochrau blaen i'r tu allan. Yna gwnaethon nhw ddewis botymau a strapiau i orffen y bagiau. Roedd y ddau ohonyn nhw yn llwyddiannus iawn. Nor'dzin yn meddwl efallai maen nhw'n gallu gwneud gwasgodau nesaf.

Yn fuan daeth Steph i gasglu'r plant a'u creadigaethau a'u hatgofion. Byddwn ni yn eu gweld eto Ddydd Iau.

Roedd diwrnod bythgofiadwy. Mae'n annod i mi ddal teimlad o'r diwrnod mewn geiriau, ond rydw i'n gobeithio fy mod i wedi creu argraff.

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We had an excellent day today. We looked after the grandchildren, Sam and Zoê.

When they arrived, they went out to explore the garden and then potted some plants.

Then we went out on our bikes with Sam on my luggage rack and Zoê behind Nor'dzin. We went to Hailey Park where there was a beautiful flower display. Sam was very interested in the flowers while Zoê played on the swings.

Our next stop was the weir. We walked down the rocks to the river and the children enjoyed playing with the pebbles and diverting streams. I was impressed by the children and the way they went over the pebbles, and up and down the rocks. I felt more stable myself (after my chiropractic treatment I think.). There was something timeless about our time on the weir. Just the sound of falling water and the children playing in the sunshine.

After the weir we went to the library (or 'hub' as they call it these days). The children chose books and then we stayed to have a meal in the cafe (in the library). The libraries have changed over the years now they feel lively and welcoming - and being able to order a meal too, is something like genius. You can stay in the library all day if you want.

From the library we went home. Nor'dzin had been preparing another activity for the children. - making small bags... Nor'dzin had prepared pieces of material and patterns. The children had to choose their material and mark the pieces against the pattern and cut them. The children then placed the pieces (front to front) and sewed them on Nor'dzin’s machine. Then they pulled them inside out to bring the front sides to the outside. They then chose buttons and straps to finish the bags. Both of them were very successful. Nor'dzin thinks maybe they can make waistcoats next.

Soon Steph came to collect the children and their creations and memories. We will see them again on Thursday.

It was an unforgettable day. It's hard for me to capture the feeling of the day in words, but I hope I've created an impression.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Y teulu yn croesi'r afon ger y gored
Description (English): The family crossing the river near the weir

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