Home Gym

Or ..... the one half of it! This is the room where Ronnie jr spent many hours in the past two years! He is so dedicated and it shows! We are really proud of the healthy lifestyle he adopted, I personally think that is a contributing factor to his success at his studies as well! What do they say? 'A healthy body ..... ! ;-) His results for the second semester of his 2nd year at university made us soooo proud again! He passed all his subjects and brought home one more distinction, quite a few of them lined up since last year! Congratulations Ronnie, I am a very proud granny and so are your parents!

But guess what is his latest mission? To get his mom and granny fit as fiddles!! Eish, he's worked out exercise programs for each of us, and we are checked carefully every day, and don't you think he forgot to work out strict diets for us!! Uh, we're going to have to thank him a year from now, when we look like young girls again! Hehe!!

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