A moment in time

By Skyegirl


We were just getting ready to go to the hospital for our appointments, when Bob fell in the garden.  He was lucky in a way as he fell into a big bush and it protected him from injury, although he did land on his knees and some pain there.  Apart from that, and a cut on his arm, he seems to be fine.  He couldn't get up as he was winded, and I was upstairs at the front of the house and didn't hear him, but a neighbour did and came for me and was of great assistance.

We made it to our appointments, slightly late, but no problems, and then we sat for a bit at the cafe with a drink, and gave him some recovery time.

Lately it just seems to have been one thing after another.  But still kicking.......

The hydrangea bush is in full flower and this year is quite spectacular.  Bob had cut it back hard last year and it seems to have benefitted from that.

Another lovely day but not as warm or as sunny as yesterday.

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