There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

The Summer Adventure Club Starts Here!

I was on Tow Hill on this morning, having a little adventure with some of my best pals. There's the Anteater, there is Tiny Tiger, and there's my friend the Moose. I had my little orange bike and I was zipping around the neighborhood, as one does. I don't go very far, and I don't go very fast - except when I come back down Tow Hill at top speed, without any brakes, zippity-zip, with the morning breeze in my face!

That's my pink daysack that usually has my camera in it, as I can't really ride the bike with my camera on my shoulder like I normally do. There's my favorite purple hat - purple is MY color - and I've got my tunes box with me. Usually, I only wear the ear buds when I'm just walking around, not when I'm riding the bike, as it's dangerous not to be able to hear traffic properly. Lately I've been trying the one-ear bud approach, which is less than satisfactory, but what can one do? One MUST have music!

I'm thinking about trying to get a basket for my bike so I can put things in it as I zip around. But I'm not in any rush-rush hurry over that. It may or may not happen. Until then, my pals ride inside my daysack until we get to where we're going on a pleasant summer morning. Anything that goes there or comes back with me goes in the daysack: a bottle of water, a snack bar.

We had just stopped to look for deer in the nearby woods, and of course, there were some; we could hear them moving about. The usual deer family that hangs out here or somewhere nearby was hiding behind some trees and doing it badly, peering out sneakily, mocking us badly. I didn't get any decent shots of the deer, although I got some laughs out of the whole thing, so I turned around and took a photo of my wheels!

My soundtrack song is the Beach Boys, with Fun, Fun, Fun.

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