
By biddy

Sweet peas from a friend.

It’s been a very sociable week so far!
This morning I was doing a little bit of gardening and had just come back indoors when the door bell sounded.
On the doorstep was our friend Duncan, with beautiful posy of sweet peas which he had grown on his allotment, along with an armful of rhubarb.
He had carefully cut the stems of the flowers and put them into a jar of water.
They are now transferred into a favourite jug of mine.
Stephen was on a call at the time in our “office” ( which used to be the small bedroom).
He eventually joined us for a chat, before I had to leave them to it, and have a bite to eat before getting changed to go off to my Pilates class for 1:00pm.
Following that I drove home and got changed again to go with Stephen to Blipper Rainette’s home for scones with jam and cream, and some delicious homemade Gluten free Lemon Drizzle cake, made by her Grandson Nate who is 7 years old,
He and his parents are staying there for a summer visit from Ibiza where they live. Nate’s sister, Asha, has gone off to summer camp with a large group from Sutton Coldfield Baptist church where her grandparents are members and his parents are Mission Partners, as they work with 24/7 on Ibiza.
We used to be at the same church for 34 years before eventually moving to Birmingham Vineyard Church.
Sitting round the table and enjoying the delicious goodies it was lovely to catch up. Altogether there were 3 of us adult Blippers, myself, Rainette and Blipper Hampson, ( whose young son also blips, and so does his sister)
We are now back at home where this evening another friend is coming for her dinner. She has a senior role in A&E at a large hospital in Birmingham.
It actually has rained this afternoon, but feels muggy.

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