Life through the lens...

By ValC

Hard work

Our bus pass journey today was a mistake!
Should have gone by car.

We decided to visit The Special Gardens at Roundhay Park Leeds.
After a bone shaker of a journey we finally arrived.
Took three times as long.

Then disappointment as the Fountains had been turned off at the Alhambra garden. Based on the world famous 13th century garden at the Alhambra Spain.
( see my blip 9 Aug. 2019)
We were told by one of the gardeners that The electrics need repairing and there is no money in the Council kitty.

We had a look round the Canal Gardens which is where I took the photos.
Used to be 6 gardeners looking after these now only 2 plus a part time one for 3 months in summer. 
He was proud to show me the bed of begonias which they had just finished weeding. 
Next job the rose beds.
It must be a heart breaking task, but well done to them.

The two carvings were by Shane Green inspired by Tropical World which is nearby. 

I'm afraid that the Council.just don't have enough money to do all they want and Gardens are way down the list of priorities. 
How things have changed in the last 6 years

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