Updates ….
The lazy heart suddenly WOKE UP ! However for the next 24 hours Marty Feldman did not , they couldn’t risk her being agitated and trying to get her intubation tube out again . So gently they started the process . She’s still extremely tired and also not with it , which to be fair is actually her default setting so I did say ‘how do you know the difference’ …
She’s not really had any lucid moments but I’m off to sit with her Friday and she might just be a tiny bit more awake .
The next 12 weeks are absolutely crucial to her being on safer ground , but for now she’s safe in the most wonderful heart transplant hospital in the world .
If you want to look it up it’s the Harefield Hospital . It takes me about 1 hour 20 minutes to get to so I’m grateful that they have a space for her there.
Anyway a big win with the heart and her connecting and small other wins …. Keep those fingers crossed it keeps all getting better because she really is wonderful and I’m not ready to lose the manky baggage x
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