Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Nightmare Bus Challenge No 216

The ford at Lacock, Wiltshire 

Bus into Bath where I was joined by my BC friend. Our second bus to Melksham was 22mins late so we missed our connecting bus to Lacock which meant that by the time our third bus dropped us off in the village, we only had 1hr 24mins there.

But we made the most of our limited time and wandered round the historic streets of the National Trust Village, and picnicked in the ground of the Abbey, before returning to the bus stop.

Unfortunately, unbeknown to us, we were sitting on the wrong side of the road for bus number four to Chippenham, as we found out when a bus pulled up at our stop and kindly informed us we’d just missed the bus we needed; we’d watched that one sail by a few minutes earlier! The next bus to Chippenham was going to mean that we would miss our connecting bus to Bath, and I’d then miss my final bus to get home in time for Dad. But on the positive side, waiting for the next bus meant we did have extra time to go and buy a local ice cream!

So plan B! My BC friend was in no hurry so she got off bus number four and waited for bus number five to Bath, whereas I continued to Chippenham bus station and then ran to the train station on the other side of town where I paid a ridiculous £7.30 for a 10min train journey to Bath. But at least it meant I could then catch my intended bus from Bath and was home 5mins before Dad returned from daycare. Phew!

Bus (and train) journey time = 2hr 2mins
Waiting between buses (and train) time = 1hr 20mins
Total bus (and train) journey time = 3hr 22mins

In extras, Lacock Abbey and scenes from around the village, including one of the many House Martin nests with hungry young.

Thank you.

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