One life to live

By otornblom

Thunder and lighting

We had annual gathering with hubby's friends from university and their wives. First we visited Tampere Art Museum's Hyper exhibition. 100 meters before we entered the museum, it started to rain very hard! Even though we had umbrellas, we got wet. Thunder roared loudly when we watched skillfully made sculptures.

When we left the exhibition, rain had stopped. We went to the restaurant Pons, where we had delicious lunch. I adore their chandeliers!

I always wonder, why familiar people who know that I'm fatally ill, and who I rarely meet, do not ask how I'm doing?

Emma came to Pirkkala after her work day and went to her grandparents to wash their windows. She told us how she got soaking wet on her lunch break, poor girl's jeans were still a bit wet.

It rained heavily again in the evening.

+24,6°C, heavy shovers and thunderstorm

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