
By JanetMayes

The valley path

It was a grey and overcast day, and I went for an afternoon walk in fine drizzle and took very few photos, but the valley path, which I had not walked for some time, was still a joy: the path is now looking narrow, which lots of grass and flowers encroaching on it from the sides, but it's firm and dry after being impassible because of waterlogging and floods for much of the winter and early spring, and the wide field margin to the right of the path is full of tall flowering plants and seed heads. In particular, there are tall, impressive heads of hogweed and large drifts of the orange-red of docks and mauve thistles; I've never really liked dock, thinking of it as an unpleasant garden weed which my father always struggled to eradicate from his vegetable garden, but this year there seems to be more of it than I've ever seen, and in huge swathes along meadows the colour is glorious. There are pink-mauve mallows and yellow ragwort too, any many tall, drying grasses. I hope I can return in better light to try some more interesting photos with the camera, which should give me the control I need to try to capture the seed heads and flowers more effectively.

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