
By JackyMT


Seen while out dog walking this afternoon. They look like Yorkshire puddings

This morning we had to be at the hospital by 9.30, so took a taxi as it's a 2 bus journey. It turned out it was a consultation with the specialist. He said he will take off the lump and whats inside, it will be an incision about the size of a 50p piece. He will take skin from her leg to make a skin graft. It will be about 4 to 5 weeks for an op, but the sooner the better, It could be cancer or not he won't know until he takes it off, he said biopsies don't always show what's underneath, seems pointless having them to me.

Anyway we came home on the busses, then after lunch took the dog out.
I saw these fungi and then a pretty blue flower in the grass, got my camera out, dropped my stick, took the pic and when I went to pick up my stick it was covered in ants and they were running all over my feet and up my trousers took me ages to get them all off.. I hate the dam things.

A busy day not doing a lot but tiering all the same.

Our eldest son Jan (he is Kirsty's dad) is 59 today, he's on a cruise up the Norwegian fiords somewhere.. Makes me feel really old.

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