
By dreaming

Terrace at twilight

The oncologist found nothing out of the ordinary on my exam today, so after my last post-surgery visit in January I will only have to come in once a year.  That was a relief.

When I got back home, Clare called and we had a good talk about a lot of things.  I so enjoy talking with her.  I had asked Lex to come by this afternoon and we spent an hour and a half trying to connect with Xfinity so we could figure out what was going on with my TV service.  We never managed to connect with a real person.  So we tried getting in via the website, only to learn that what I thought was my password apparently isn't my password.  So we gave up after two hours and with the Olympics coming up this weekend I have no way to watch them.  And you know how I look forward to the Olympics!  So I don't know what to do next.

I've been getting a lot of text messages from crooks pretending to be raising money for Kamala Harris and I worry that people not so thoughtful may be tricked into sending their money to these fake organizations.  I wish there were a way to enlighten them.  Any ideas?

Back to dialysis tomorrow.

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