Rosebay Willow Herb
It can look very pretty on roadside verges but it spreads like fury. The seeds resemble dandelion seeds blown on the wind but plants can persist and propagate that way.
Farmers aren't keen on it as it mingles with grain crops. Insects like it because it yields lots of nectar, very useful for late summer.
Photo taken from the car as we were travelling home from The Outwoods. It had begun to rain lightly.
I took my bread to Olivia's hoping to eat something there only to be greeted by a supercilious young thing who told me that the kitchen was closed because they were short staffed. It seems they can't even put bread in a toaster. I huffed out. She went back to chatting with her mates behind the counter. Customer service doesn't even come into it.
At least Basil had a bit of a run.
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