Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Bird Watching

I've felt better as the day has gone on, but am a bit giddy which saw me take a tumble in the garden as I bent down to do something! I haven't eaten a lot in the last couple of days so that might be the cause. A slice of toast and plum jam (bought locally last year) did go down as quick as I fell!

As a result it's been a day taking it easy on the sofa watching the birds on my feeder and the changing sky. The Woodpecker turned up last night, and with no nuts in the feeder was there for ages (five munutes!) so I topped it up this morning and it's happy again as you can see from my blip pic.

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge Results...

This week's theme is 'something old' and there was some nice variations on the theme.  I really enjoyed RockArea's blip as we do become attached to items as we travel through life for their memories. I hope you like my other choices...

1.  RockArea                   Old TV (1982)
2.  FrankS                       Old Photo's & phone!
3.  Freuchie                     canal/gasometer
4.  AnnieBelle                 Old car
5.  LesTension                Grand Canyon

Honourable Mentions...

Doyley22                          Morris Major
Paola                                Micheham Priory
JeanneB                           Coaching Inn (Bingley)
MayIsle                             Ten Bob note
KF                                      Burham River (The Crouch?)

Thanks to all who tagged blips for the challenge.

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