
By Saffi

Ferrel kitten

We suddenly had a cat with six kittens turn up on our farm one day.  The mother then moved them to another farm down the bottom of the hill but this one was left behind and K was able to identify it as one of the litter. So it was returned and our neighbour homed it. It  is slowly being tamed as it was really wild to start with.  Sapphire now can be handled and is now able to cuddle up to A on her lap in the evenings.  The litter is back on our farm and A feeds the mother everyday.  It is going to be a job catching the kittens as they will have to be neutered along with the mother .....

Spent the morning pulling Ragwort from the paddock.  It seems to be growing everywhere this year and is a nuisance weed being poisonous to cattle either fresh or in the dried form in hay.

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