Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

This is not a rock?!...................

For those of you who follow our BLIPS regularly; you will know that Ann has taken to sitting on rocks beside the beach when the weather is nice. She thinks she's 'Shirley Valentine'. Lol! Today it was very warm but 'Mr Sunshine' was no where to be seen.

This afternoon, we trekked around town and ended up on the picnic tables next to Porthminister Beach. Ann had brought her magazines and a drink with the intention of having a little sit down for an hour or so. Mmmmmmm...................... after about 20 mins, she got fed up. It wasn't raining but it felt as though it might, so she didn't read her magazines and she didn't drink her drink.

Ann feels like she's just frittered today away. Apart from taking me for my walks (& going to Zumba), she's caught up on about 2 hrs of EastEnders. There's not been much else to do today.

…..............Apparently, she's just about to go into the field to complete her final run of the week for the 'Couch to 5K' thingy. She's absolutely hating it?!! Why she sets herself these challenges I'll never know?!

….................If she wants to have more exercise; why doesn't she just take me for extra walks???

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