An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Thistles, tyres and teeth...

And not necessarily in that order :-)

D went to St Andrews this afternoon for his dental appointment.  I was going to go with him but that plan changed on Tuesday when I arranged for my friend Janice to pop in for coffee this afternoon.  Sadly she wasn't able to make it as her car wouldn't start and she had to call the AA.  The good news is D's teeth got a clean bill of health.  

After his dental appointment D headed to Perth to get tyres changed on the car.  Only a little late getting the winter tyres off but to be fair, it's felt more like winter than summer this season!

I spent the afternoon in the studio.  I've been planning to frame a few paintings (Girl with Bubbles, Seilebost Beach, Archie & Shug, Avocado, and Washing Line) for months and I finally got it done today.  Even got them up on my gallery wall (in extras :-) with D's help when he returned.   That made me happy because it meant I could take down paintings that I've gone off :-))  

L, my lovely cleaning lady was here this afternoon.  My heart breaks for her as she's just suffered her third family bereavement in nine months.  Her mum died just before Christmas, her son died (very unexpectedly) in January and now her mother-in-law has passed away.  I wasn't expecting her to come but she texted saying wants to keep busy.  Lots of tea, hugs and sympathy for her.  She said it was good to get out of the house for a little while.  

And highlighting the circle of life, as L and I were chatting Nikki sent me her scan photo from earlier today.  Baby M has a due date of 28th January, a week after my birthday, and will be a fellow Aquarian.  Their dad is also an Aquarian as was his gran (David's mum) so this little one will be in good company :-)  

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