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By Arell

Welcome to 'That Was the Day That Wasn't'

Backblip because extremely headachey

Yesterday morning's headache didn't go away by teatime, or even by bedtime, nor did it go away by this morning.  Waking up with a headache is horrible.  A N Other supermarket's Fisher Price level pain meds were completely ineffective, too.  I didn't want to reach for coffee in the hope that the caffeine might help, because it'd just space me out the next day.  In the end I went back to bed but failed to doze all through Camel's Snow Goose album that usually helps me drop off.

While in the garden to get fresh air and watching the hoverflies mating next to the garden pond*, my neighbour suggested herbal tea, and I thought, "Yes! I have some in the cupboard!"  It was lovely, but I forgot that it was camomile and lavender and things and within an hour I was barely able to stay awake, so I went back to bed again and half slept until gone lunchtime.

It took until mid-afternoon to get out of the house and to the chemist for higher strength meds.  I also handed in my BP chart (which was in any case all perfectly normal) but was on the verge of tears from the ongoing pain.  Back home I had to call the garage and cancel tomorrow's MOT appointment because I hadn't been able to fix the little niggly things like the headlamp and the clutch cable.  I did have time for two doses of the meds before bedtime though and eventually actually started to feel somewhat better.

* a big terracotta dish that is supposed to be a birdbath, but I don't have anything to stand it on

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