
By Ridgeback13


Sent Ot a delayed birthday present then bought a Louise Welsh book (The Cutting Room) on my way down to meet JT for the first of three 1-2-1 governor meetings today.
Had a good chat to JT with a couple of creative suggestions and also chat about festival options and recalling good shows from last year.
Hopped on the train and enjoyed getting into the book before my meet up with SM. Another good chat, despite the noise in the cafe, and then straight into my last one with BW, briefer but also very constructive.
I finished earlier than I’d feared so was pleased to get home in good time. Not many photo opportunities but good to see all the fringe posters up now and the Festival theatre’s wrapping for the international festival programme start next week.
Home and read some more of my book then made lamb and tzatziki wraps for supper while watching some more of the addictive critical care programme on Netflix and chatted to A.

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