simple moments

By simplemoments

a pet…



the boo

it’s a very unusual - thing for the boo - to get ill - but there she was - being sick this morning - and me being - an overly concerned mama - doing the hovering thing - making sure she was okay - after cleaning everything - trying to get - her comfortable, well as - comfortable as you can - get a kittie-boo that is

but it occurred to me - that her life has - entered that fragile stage - of sorts i think - she’s not exactly - a young thing anymore - at 10 now she - really is considered - a senior kittie-boo - so i need to - be extra sensitive towards her - and that just became - very clear this morning - she has been extra clingy - and didn’t put up much - fuss when i told her - i wished to snap her - simply meeped, looking right - into the camera now - that always will make it…


happy day…..

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