
By edisteve

It’s a Bugslife

Over in Livingston visiting St. John’s Hospital, this time for Martin’s endoscopy (he’s use to them for his Barrats Oesophagus).

While there, this gave me the chance to catch up with my friend John, who I used to work with.

I was also able to have a walk in nearby Howden Park and enjoy their wild flower meadows.

Britain has lost over 97% of its wildflower grasslands since the 1940's due to changes in farming practices in the countryside and an increase of short, fertilised lawns in urban areas. Diverse grasslands are essential for our pollinating insects including bumblebees, hoverflies and butterflies.

They also provide food and shelter for other wildlife such as small mammals and birds.

Through the West Lothian B-Lines project, Buglife, in partnership with West Lothian Council has created wildflower meadows in this park to provide important pollinator habitat. These meadows add colour and life to the area creating a happier and healthier place for people too!

It’s all good and creating a healthy green environment should be a priority, particularly, when we are needing to increase house building.

I hope you have had a good Friday all.

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