A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Flower Friday 26_2024 :: FF26_2024 :: Rievaulx

Today our guest went horse riding near Hawnby in the North York Moors. Whilst she trotted about the countryside we visited Rievaulx Abbey (EH) where I found some flowers for today's Flower Friday. 

Bottom left: Lythrum Little Robert
Top left & Right: Harebell aka Campanula rotundiflolia or Scottish bluebell. These were self seeding all over the nooks and crannies of the abbey. 

For the past few days my heart has been saddened by events in Jasper, Alberta. We have had a long association with Jasper, first visiting back in 1980 and again the following year for our honeymoon. We have visited many times since.

My Blip name 'Skeena' comes from the train that travels between Jasper and Prince Rupert. Our youngest daughter also spent some of her honeymoon there and only just visited again last month. 

Hopefully they will rebuild their homes and communities keeping to the spirit of what made the township so special and unique. 

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