
By Bom

A Random Bee

A cooler day today with not much sun. I didn't sleep well last night, so just chilled out this morning. Then I walked into town at lunchtime for the last lunchtime concert of the Holt Festival in the church. It was by members of the North Norfolk Chamber Opera who performed 13 'opera favourites'. I'm not an opera fan, but enjoy a listen live on rare occasions. There must have been an average of 50 people each lunchtime for these concerts, free to enter and with a 'retiring collection' to support the church and the festival. As always, I've enjoyed a number of events around town, I hope the festival at least breaks even. You tend to see the same faces at events, I'm not sure it has a wide enough appeal to residents or visitors. 

I did a bit of tidying up in the garden after I got home and got this photo of a bee, hardly any around. I'm now sitting ready for the coverage of the Olympics Opening Ceremony to start. I love the big multi sport events, particularly as this year it's in the same time zone. So annoying about the sabotage on the rail lines. I've got my fingers crossed for events this evening - whilst I'm sure holding it along the Seine will be spectacular, I do think it was a risky option to choose. I enjoyed watching a documentary about the 1948 Olympics in London, only three years after the War - amazing they could hold it at all. I had to laugh when they said that the journal of the British Olympics Committee up to the War said that women shouldn’t take part in any event that made them perspire!!!

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