Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


flower in the garden - according to google lens - this is an anemone - but I am not sure??

The original plan was to blip my lonely cosmos plant - which now has lots of buds (and ants) on it - so its in extras :)

A very quiet day but I've been studying hard with my online courses..  cyber security was an eye opener and has led me to think I need to tighten things up for myself....  Where to look to check about it myself I'm not sure...  How to stop having too many websites after all the applications I've had to make for jobs -where they insist that you open an account on their website before completing a form :(:(

Especially when this afternoon had an odd email from my Aunt - which others have also had - on enquiring through messenger - she has been hacked :(

Would be grateful for any advice  - I will definitely be changing passwords - and doubling passwords when I can!

And that's the first week done :):)

I was chatting on Teams with a colleague in my team - her daughter is doing A level photography (and of course I pointed her in Blipfoto's direction to take a look).

Here's a query for you blippers - can you advise on any galleries/museums etc where my colleague's daughter will find images of either fashion, architecture or street photography to get ideas as she has to start building her portfoilo and has a choice of these three subjects to work on over the summer holidays.  

We both looked and found 'The Photographers Gallery' in London - it looks quite interesting and I wouldn't mind a visit there myself....

Hopefully a relaxing weekend, though I am worried about my car as its not coping well :(

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