
By StephenF

Angling upwards

This is another photo I took on my escape into Woking Park yesterday. I thought it connected nicely to the picture I took on Monday looking up to the skylights at Reading Services. I've been back on the computer keyboard today but have taken a break this evening to watch the Olympics opening ceremony from a very wet Paris. Il pleut les chats et les chiens! I love Paris, having first visited as an impressionable student in 1968, albeit that was in August when the student protests of May '68 had long subsided. The organisers have put on a spectacular and eclectic show which must be incredibly complicated to coordinate, especially in the pouring rain. The London Olympics opening ceremony now seems to have been pretty straightforward compared to this although I don't think any of us thought so at the time. My daughter Adele carried the country name board for Ireland into the arena that evening. She had volunteered to be one of the dancers but they particularly liked the way she walked. She accompanied Katie Taylor, the Irish boxer, who carried the Ireland flag. A proud moment. 

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