
By Wanderers13

Blipmeet with Skyegirl and Bob

A lively chat that finished too soon.

Before meeting with M and B we set out to look for the Charles Rennie MacIntosh church, only about a 15 minute walk from here. A very different building to The Hill House mentioned a few weeks ago. I have included a couple photos in extras. Afterwards a good lunch in a small cafe only minutes from where we are staying, it was very good and then onto Kelvingrove for a blipmeet.  We think we started following each other on bf  in 2014, the same year their walking group visited Mull. It was a great pleasure to meet them both today and hope we can do so again in the near future, perhaps along with ElspethAnne, imagine that.

The weather ranged from rain to sunshine, another lovely day all round. I do like all that bf offers, especially the blipmeets.

Forgot about the cheeseman, he was stood in the doorway of the shop in Byers Road, I’m sure he was waiting for a camera to snap him, what an obliging chap.

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