Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Hexham Abbey Flower Festival

There is a wonderful flower festival in Hexham Abbey this weekend.

I would love to go again because 2 hours this morning was not long enough. Photography was tricky because of all the people milling around the exhibits. The atmosphere was very happy as everyone enjoyed the flowers and the artistry.

My blip represents Saint Etheldreda, who gave the land for the Abbey. She appeared through a door above the monks' stairs when Gwen and I were there and granted us an audience. (Shame about the volunteer's lanyard around her neck, but she kept in role very well!) She was a princess before she became a nun.

I don't have time to process many images, but I thought you would like to see the display from Whitfield. (All the arrangers were women for this festival, but that's how it goes, I guess.) They made the sculpture of Aebbe (abbess of Coldingham) from cloth and concrete!! Their display was one of the less professional ones, but made with huge enthusiasm and love, with flowers mainly from their gardens. I persuaded one of their team to be photographed.

My friends Kay, Lesley and Mary were all involved in the festival. Eric ran errands for them too. Gwen came from Morpeth on the train (delayed) and then Eric, Kay, Gwen and I went out for lunch in Salute, an Italian café. The food was delicious and the coffee was superb. I'll be back there.

I came home and slept all afternoon. I now have to get ready for a quick trip to Southampton for a Golden Wedding tomorrow.......

There is a second extra, included for cuteness. Vanessa and Ruby. Ruby just had surgery and is an older dog, so was allowed in to the Abbey.

DO GO TO SEE THIS FESTIVAL IF YOU CAN. It's only £5 entry for us oldies.

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