
By Ridgeback13


L&M and their two youngest called in briefly on their way to Thurso.  We just had time for a cup of tea and a chat before they set off again and I went over to A's. On the way there I listened to the 5 episodes of Sara Sheridan's Robert Burns: His psychotherapy and cure which was amusing.
We had a coffee and played with Paisley for a while then set off to Kelso show. Despite the huge black clouds hovering around all day it stayed clear and dry and even had some sunny spells. We enjoyed seeing the goats and the pony jumping and showing, had a huge hot dog and browsed a bewildering array of machinery and tweed/countrywear stalls.
From there we went to have tea and cake at Floors Castle gardens.... stunning display of beautiful flowers, veg and fruit and some delicious cake. We had a lovely time having a wander around the fabulous gardens and A got ideas of what to do in theirs (on a smaller scale!).
We went to get fuel and A also sorted my tyre pressure and topped up my windscreen wash, then on our way home the black clouds finally opened and it poured, but not for long.
I came home and made some supper then half watched the Olympics opening ceremony whilst catching up on some diary organisation and a few emails. It was a somewhat bizarre concept and I cant say it worked very well, and probably wouldn't have done even if it hadn't rained non stop throughout! 

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