Cutting down
loads of the Choisya shrub as it was growing through the Hydrangea was a pleasant task with the lovely smell.
Tedwin went off on scooter to local park but did not make it all the way as he was concerned at the slow speed getting slower and turned to come back. I got telephone call later saying he was stranded awaiting breakdown assistance. I found out where he was and took raincoat as it looked threatening. He was in a vulnerable position on road junction so we managed to move him to a bit safer position. An hour or more was the predicted wait time so I came home. Unfortunately the rain started so I put walker in car thinking I would get him sitting in car out of the rain. Drove back again to find breakdown wagon there and Tedwin in cab (he had terrible job getting in as high up even with driver help) and scooter being loaded on back. He has been asleep since. No pictures were taken which was one reason for him going out.
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