
By pandieb


Eremophila Nivea. It's native to the temperate regions of Western Australia and is apparently  frost hardy to -5 Celsius.  I saw it at Kew and liked it, so bought one (I was a bit surprised to find it tbh). Hopefully it will survive.

Other than sorting out potting that up Ive had a busy day of chores. The car finally got washed - it was just too disgusting to leave any longer - and I moved a few things around in the garden, reporting and dividing some stuff that had got too big. I've no idea if it's the right time of year but hey ho.

I've had to prize Himself away from the TV a few times; given the opportunity he'll happily sit and watch sport solidly for the next two weeks.

A quiet night tonight, all of us are off to my parents tomorrow for my mother's 80th birthday lunch. It's an almost two hour drive and given the option I'd rather not go but my Pops asked me to and the girls want to see their cousins so I'll have to put my big girl pants on and get over it.

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