Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Grumble Alert!!

How VERY American?
       I frequently have an attack of SMH &/or ROFLMAO, at the concept of hearing on the Radio of Something said "~ ~ ~ on Ex, formerly Twitter".
        There's even a Farcebook group dedicated to a delivery firm daft enough to re-christen themselves and STILL say " everybody~ ~ formerly The Messenger of The Gods."
       I hold in contempt ANY Nation/Firm which considers laying an item on the doorstep, in sight of the Road, and walk away without even a knock or Ring (Tested Bell - working) and calling it "delivered"; you may as well walk down the middle of the road and just throw them at the Kerb.  
       I was lurking in the Recliner, NOT actually asleep & sat up in time to see a red Shirt walking past the window.  "FUNNY, I didn't hear the doorbell OR Letterbox."
      SO - nothing on the floor - open door - find wee Box.  The aforementioned "Everybody" gets most complaints for a photo like THIS.  "Anybody in Bristol recognise this? It's NOT my Door."  type of comments.  It could be any of a few 100 doors in town; to include the door number (Extra) you need to retreat 4-5 yards/meters onto the lawn.
       "We" gain in that our doors are a bit away from the  Footpath.  Must be hellish to live in a Victorian, nearly, or no, front Garden type House?

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