Pictorial blethers

By blethers


There was a lot of sunshine today, especially in the afternoon (I kept eyeing the dark clouds that passed over in the morning, but they held on to their moisture!) - and that sun is truly warm! The sight of the weather forecast galvanised me into getting the bedding with which I was wrestling yesterday into the washing machine and out onto the line, where, hung in the efficient and easy way my friend Marilyn showed me, it had dried by late morning. I followed it with the contents of the linen basket, which also dried most efficiently. In between I did my Italian, looked fruitlessly for some postcards which reminded me of where they were only once I stopped looking, and did a silly number of ascents and descents at home, on the stairs, because I kept thinking of stuff. 

All this meant I was pretty tired by the time we went out, but the road along Loch Striven was so lovely that we walked further than usual, agitated oystercatchers on the shore below trying to deter us, gannets sailing above us with their look of Concord about them, the ubiquitous gulls gliding or screaming as the mood took them. My photo above is from the roadside looking up the loch to where the three Maersk tankers were once moored for well over a year but which today is an undisturbed and beautiful sheet of water. Extra taken through the trees of the sun shining blindingly on the water. 

We were both shattered all evening. I've decided you know you're getting older when you try to do a day that in the recent past was perfectly normal but which now makes you ache unexpectedly. I could barely sit still this evening for the ache in my legs - my watch said I'd done well over 10,000 steps and 9 flights of stairs. Paracetamol tonight, I think...

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