Here is the photo I promised a week or two ago of a freshly-lifted skirret root. The biggest individual roots are the thickness of my little finger.
Once it is out of the ground I shake off the soil and then cut the roots off close to their base. This one root fell apart into six or seven smaller ones, and I replanted them all.
Next year's edibles will develop from those wispy white rootlets close to the growing tops.
I started with three small plants, and now four years later I have enough to fill a 2sqm bed. Next year I'll be giving them away...
You can peel and boil the cut roots, but I prefer the ease and taste of roasting or frying them without bothering with peeling. If you have eaten salsify or scorzonera, these are very similar.
I will roast the skirret tomorrow, along with some parsnip and spuds. I'll then make roast veg soup, which is one of my favourite winter warming lunches.
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