No wonder it's cold

I'm home.

Today's blip is a glimpse of North Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand (probably around the Molesworth Station area) as my flight descended towards Christchurch. No wonder it's cold. There is a lot of snow in the back country.

The last few days seem like a blur. Today has gone even quicker. I was up early so we could get away in time to get down to Auckland and meet my sister and family at a café in Auckland.

Unexpectedly all of them were there (not everyone was departing back to Australia at the same time or even on the same day). I haven't seen the four Glasgow kids together for years. Bec, Moni and Amelia have grown into beautiful young women and are well able to express themselves and relate to others. William, well you'll meet young Will very soon as he's coming to spend a couple of days with me "eating my food and drinking my drink" I'm told. Will has all of my cheek and none of my charm ;-)

Saying good bye to Mum and Dad is always hard. Today was no exception and made worse by my discomfort and tiredness. Air NZ staff were great and did all they could to make me comfortable. I'm glad to be home and wouldn't have missed these past few days for the world.

These last few days have reminded me of the importance of family and never to take it for granted.

Edit: Ha! a miscalculation. I thought my 200th blip was today (I've been back-blipping the past few days). If you want to see what I did for my "200th" you'll have to look at tomorrows!)

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