"Two Aspects Of"....
...One - the old P.S. 'Settler' - a privately owned paddle steamer, pictured here, and
... Two - a 3hp Hornsby hot bulb engine...a stationary oil-burning engine..
...Both moored at Wentworth, New South Wales, a few miles from where we live, across the border, where the Annual Rally of the Riverboat Junction was held today, together with a wonderful display of the Vintage Engines, and Machinery, Tools, Cars, Motorbikes, and anything power- driven of old, was on display.
...Most of the marvellous engines, etc., have been restored back to working order, and all were working in their full glory, down on the lawns at the Junction of the Rivers - the Murray and the Darling..
...Certainly a joy to see with the smell of the grease and oil, the diesel - the sound of the tractors - it all stirs emotions for a girl (and boy) from the farming country, many years ago..
...The proud owners of these machines have a lot of enjoyment showing their exhibits to the big crowd there today, and as well, yesterday..
... I must say - there were a lot of little lads there as well...just as interested as the owners, and indicating to me - the interest in steam driven machines, and all machines of old, will never be lost...
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