
By ilkkavalkila


First ever RantaBlues festival in Ikaalinen, and they started straight from the top of Finnish blues rock, with Honey B. & The T-Bones, Heikki Silvennoinen and Erja Lyytinen on the main stage. Lesser known artists/bands on the side stage, but they were also good.

The event was well organized, although some more food stands would have been good, as the queues were long between the main stage shows. Weather was very good, not too hot, with just a few drops of drizzle near the end.

In the main blip Erja Lyytinen and her band near the end of the event. In the extras:
#1: panorama of the main stage area
#2: Honey B. & The T-Bones guitarist Esa Kuloniemi and his wife, singer Aija Puurtinen, with their son Mooses behind the drums. Aija said that they couldn't find a permanent drummer, so they made their own :)
#3: Heikki Silvennoinen
#4: Heikki Silvennoinen's drummer Anssi Nykänen performing a solo
#5: Erja Lyytinen with bassist Heikki Saarenkunnas

An extra treat was having keyboard virtuoso Lenni-Kalle Taipale with Heikki Silvennoinen's band. I didn't manage to get a good photo of him though.

This was my 25th time seeing Erja Lyytinen, and although it's hard name better or worse shows with her consistency, this was definitely among the best. 

A bit of extra excitement came when Jussi messaged at the end of the show, that two horses that came to graze on our field earlier in the evening, were grazing on our yard instead! I informed their owner immediately. Luckily she read the message straight away and came to rescue, getting the horses back where they belong even before we got to the parking lot.

Earlier in the day loaded the rest of oats and barley and cleaned the silos.

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