My Restless Lens

By terri365

The End...

...of an Era...

She still runs well but everything around her is falling to bits and costing me money that can go to a new car...  She will be 15 years old in a few days and she has done a fair few miles - all by me!  I have definitely had my money's worth out of her!

In other news, the last couple of days have been a bit stressful.  Long story short, my mum started walking into things about 3 weeks ago - she just didn't see them.  The GP finally took it seriously and sent her for a CT scan of her brain (at our hospital in Perth) , which was yesterday.  They found "something concerning" so she had to wait and see a consultant.  They found a bleed on her brain and a subsequent haematoma.

She was then sent to Ninewells and we finally saw someone about 9pm.  The doctor was lovely (form New Jersey originally) and said for someone who had a bleed on the brain she was remarkably well otherwise!  So he said rest and they would observe and do further investigations on Sunday with neuro and the stroke team.  But because she is well they would not rush into anything.

Fast forward to today my sister and I went back to Ninewells and spoke with the nurse (no consultants in at the weekend) who started talking about a stroke...  I butted in and asked if that had been confirmed and although he said yes, we're not convinced.  She will have another CT and an MRI tomorrow and hopefully we will have some answers.

My dad is doing well Covid-wise but he is frustrated being stuck at home while my mum is in hospital.  

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