
By pandammonium

Three-boat collision?

We walked down the river to The Ship. Even long trousers couldn’t prevent the nettle stings (on top of yesterday’s bramble scratches) from the overgrown flood bank path, so we bowed out and onto the A10, which isn’t a fun thing to walk along. I waved my thanks to all the considerate drivers.

At the pub, we had a nice sit down with some beverages, with our legs tingling from the nettles, then walked back to the picnic site, where we ate our lunch.

After that, we walked back upriver, mainly on the A10 once again. Again, not great. We rejoined the flood bank on the cow side of the river. Despite one cow at the edge of the crowd also being at the edge of the path with her baby and another standing squarely in the centre of the path, we got past unscathed.

We popped in The Swan because it’s at the end of the cow flood bank path and tingled some more.

Back at home, after showers, we felt better, even if we did still tingle; at least it had become bearable by then. Nevertheless, I hope it goes away overnight.

Oh, and the boats didn’t crash into each other. Very disappointing ;)

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