Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Picnic with Annie

Took G to visit Annie today. It was lovely to see that Frances(second left) had made it from Hertfordshire in time for afternoon visiting. It's very touching to see Annie's friends making these long journeys to see her, and brighten up her days in hospital. We went out to the lawn and had an impromptu picnic. Anne (centre) appeared just in time with some delicious ice cream from the business that the Friends of New Lanark have taken over - perfect timing. Although it was a jolly gathering, it is impossible to forget why we were there, I came away a little sad, it will be so good to see Annie in her own surroundings again.
G and I headed into Edinburgh for a concert (note to Blip, can we have whispering sized font please) by Susan Boyle. Quite a surreal experience - G found a worm in his fish, fair dues to the restaurant though, they instantly refunded the entire cost of our meal. The concert was good, not my kind of music, but you have to admire her determination and be happy that her dream came true.

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