
By KatesGardenPDX

A Very Fun Adventure

My friend Lori and I headed to a wonderful art festival called The Chehalem Mountain Art Affair which is about a half hour drive from my house. I don't know if you can necessarily open the Facebook link, but it's basically their website. A very grassroots organization, reminding me very much of the days that I worked at the now defunct Oregon College of Art and Craft....the job that moved me across country to Portland from Massachusetts! It was a marvelous community of craftspeople and artists, and this art affair had a very similar feeling. In fact, I met one of the women that I used to work with! She's now a full-time painter, retired from everything else. The artists are juried in by this community, so the work was really great.

It was very well organized, all volunteer - this is their 20th year! The artists don't have to pay a commission, nor do they have to pay for their booths. There was a restaurant who hauled their portable wood-fired pizza oven and was cranking out pizzas (we had a delicious apricot/coppa pizza) and three wineries were doing tastings.

And don't you know that one of those very fun metal flowers (made out of car parts and tools) ended up going home with me :-)

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