Choose Joy

By Energia

Samuel’s birthday

Today Samuel is 17 years old. Huzzah! I gave him doggie ice cream. 

I thought that Glen Echo Park was shut down and that I would get some cool derelict photos but it was not shut down. I guess it was just renovated for years? The park has a lot of history. The buildings are art deco. Cuddle up was a teacup ride. “Cuddle Up, built in 1946, was the name of a tea cup ride at Glen Echo Park. A tea cup ride is one where you sit in a cup and turn a wheel to spin the cup round and round as it travels round and round on the floor. In other words, it’s a ride designed to make you dizzy.”

It is no longer a teacup ride but it isn’t really a derelict either.

A drone hit the Polyova oil depot in the Kursk region, which sits across the border. 

Hungary’s Victor Orban met with Putin in Moscow. The EU has now stripped Hungary of the right to host the next meeting of foreign and defense ministers. 

Before Russia re-invaded Ukraine 70% of Greeks had a favorable view of Russia. It fell to 50% after the invasion and was 30% last year. Three days after the war began Greece sent rifles, ammunition, and grenades. Greece and Ukraine are negotiating a 10 year assistance agreement similar to those signed with other NATO members. 

Russia had to take five military aircraft out of service due to key parts being swapped for poor-quality ones. It affects the landing gear. 

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