
By gennepher

Inkblot for no reason...

Nighttime wildlife video
Badger (is he missing the cats?)....and then chewing (?) up my mats...
This is Pa Badger, from last year, who is doing the extreme stretching in the beginning of the video.
He always tended to do this kind of stretch...but this is the most extreme I have seen him doing it...

Badgers were having a party last night, and destroyed one of my smaller sun colourful beach parasols protecting my vegetable gardens from the sun. I cannot take them down each evening, it is just too much for me.
I hadn't quite finished my protection with plastic covered wire fencing to make a cover for the second wormery. I was too tired in the very warm day yesterday, and so I left it until today.
Alas the badgers made their one last foray into that second wormery (the size of a large black dustbin), and ate a third of the worms...a few thousand worms?
I get the ground is hard, no proper rain for some time, and so they are in destructive mode trying to find food.
Anyway I'll finish it off in a minute before the day gets too hot. blots...what to do today, since my last brain cell is on something or other for absolutely reason at all...

Sun is out.
Clear blue skies.
Have your best day.

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